Monday, February 25, 2008

Stanford IEEE Mentorship Program

The Stanford IEEE Mentorship Program pairs undergraduate Stanford EE students with upperclassmen or graduate students based on similar academic interests to provide guidance in educational and career decisions. Mentors have the opportunity to reconnect with younger students while sharing their experiences and thoughts on the field. There will be planned Stanford IEEE sponsored events for mentors and students, but the extent of the mentor relationship will be decided on an individual basis. Mentors will be provided with a stipend to spend on mentor-advisee meetings (i.e. coffee lunch at Bytes Café). The eventual vision is to create a sense of community where aspiring engineers can share perspectives on the future trends of our field.

Benefits of Being a Mentor
1. Help aspiring young EE navigate through the madness.
2. Share the glory (or mistake) of going to grad school.
3. Share your recruiting and career advise with the young ones.
4. Live vicariously through the new generation.
5. Meet a new friend!

Benefits of Being an Advisee
1. Know which classes to take, which to avoid at all costs.
2. Learn how to get a summer internship or job.
3. Learn how to find a research project with a renowned professor.
4. Learn how to survive life as a electrical engineering student at Stanford.
5. Meet a new friend!


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